The Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission and Springfield Township Board approved an increase to the existing contract with AECOM for the purpose of continuing to the next phase of the project which includes preliminary engineering and conceptual park design. AECOM is collecting data to determine how to engineer the stream channel and arch culvert at the Davisburg Road crossing. Concurrently, the consultant will plan the restoration of the river corridor and offer recommendations to enhance the surrounding park properties. The public will be invited to attend outreach meetings later in 2020 to learn more about the project and provide input on conceptual park plans.

Oakland County Parks and Springfield Township staff submitted a pre-proposal to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) – Fisheries Habitat Grant Program for funding assistance for design/engineering.  The application is for $121,500 in grant funding relevant to the program priorities to potentially cover a significant portion of the design/engineering costs. On October 4 the County/Township were notified that their pre-proposal was among those approved to move forward in the 2019 FHGP application process.